
Just Hangin' Out

Gabe you stole the remote! Give it to mommy.

He comes giggling down the hall thinking it's a fun keep away game of sorts.

I take it from him....


Christmas Day is Here!

So, unfortunately Gabe and Hannah both most likely have no clue as to what is going on today, but the memories will still last for Jasen and I. Also we have plenty of pictures and videos to capture the memories, of which I'm sure they will both enjoy watching when they are older.

Gabe does a very good job at repeating most words. Here he held up this yellow part to the Lego fire station slide, so I said slide and he said slide as best as he could.

Here you can see most of what Santa brought Gabe. There's a big red bouncy ball in the back next to his stocking that was full of treats and candy, a new toddler toothbrush and toothpaste, some magnetic letters for the fridge (which was his all time favorite gift ever), some alphabet blocks, new jammies, a school bus with mega blocks and a little man inside, his big gift from Santa this year was actually from his Grandpa and Grandma in Georgia- the Lego Fire Station set. He loves the fire truck with a siren that lights up and makes the sound and everything and also the helicopter with a twirling propeller. (Also from Santa but not shown here: A Magnadoodle type writing board that's shaped like a big catapillar and an Old MacDonald see and say wheel that you pull the handle and it says, "A dog says...Woof woof") (Hey Dad, what movie was I watching?)

Most of what Santa brought Hannah Riley: A ball popper, a soft, chewy bunny, a glow worm (her favorite), a little shape and wire thingy, that cool bobble penguin, pull apart animal things, pop up animal toy that's on the floor in this pic, new jammies, a rattle/teether, a tub full of tub toys (you can see those on the floor too- there's a polar bear, a starfish, a dolphin, and frog in this pic but there are about 12 more not shown below), and she got a bunch of baby food and such in her stocking like those melt away yogurt things.

With her soft bunny with chewy hands and feet.

With the shapes on wire toy. Of course she doesn't know quite what to do with it, but Gabe sure does. He really enjoys playing with it. Woo hoo! a quiet toy to get us through sacrament meeting!

I handed her the glow worm but she didn't see it...

When she saw it she smiled really big- it was the only toy that she actually smiled and got excited about. She liked the music a lot I think, and also the peaceful happy look on the glow worm's face. It was a favorite toy of mine when I was little, and now she has her very own.

These unique gifts came all the way from Romania.
The chess/checker set is for Jasen and the ornate jewelry box with a secret way to open it and a key is for me. We both love these awesome gifts!

Aly gave Gabe some really cute BYU jammies. Great Grandma Smith gave him a really nice Hurley hoodie, and she gave Hannah a way cute Roxy velour track suit. Gabe also got Candyland from his Grandma and Grandpa Stromberg and for Hannah and Gabe, a really nice Castle themed slide and swing set. The slide is still scary for Gabe, so we have to push him down it. And once he's down he says, "Wee!" He's a funny lad. Santa surprised me with a beautiful necklace and some Adidas golf shoes for Daddy.

The first video is Gabe being a little stinker. I guess he was trying to show Hannah what she was supposed to do with her penguin.

And here is Gabe playing on the slide that he calls a swing. He also calls the swing a swing. We'll work on that.

This last video is dedicated to Katelyn.

Christmas Eve

My absolutely gorgeous baby girl's first Christmas Eve.

In both of these pictures Hannah reminds me slightly of baby Lindsey. I think it's the giant eyes, but I'm not sure what it is exacty. Do you agree?

Here's cutie pie Gabe right after his bath in his new Christmas p.j.'s.

Gabe, who is coming tonight? He says, "Daddy?" True, Daddy was at work at the time and would be coming home eventually, but no, not who I was asking about.

So for a Christmas traditional treat, Jasen bought one of those tins of popcorn. The one he bought has a picture of Santa on it. So whenever Jasen or anyone asks, "Gabe, where's Santa?" Gabe will point to the popcorn tin and yell Santa! (as he is shown doing so below). Well, in reality this didn't really teach Gabe who Santa is or what Santa looks like. Instead, Gabe now believes that Santa is synonymous with popcorn, and if you mention Santa, Gabe yells Santa, points to the tin, and says Santa over and over until he gets some popcorn.

I made a valiant attempt to get a good picture of the two of them together. I think it's just asking too much of babes at their ages. Here's what I got:

At least they're both looking up...

Gabe hugging Hannah:

Gabe pushing Hannah off of him:

Gabe smiling when I say, "Do you want a cookie?"

Gabe very tired and ready for bed:

A short video:


Bill and Bernice Stromberg Christmas Party

Aunt Aly and Uncle Kip posing with Gabe.

For this year's Christmas party we went to a Fun Center in Layton. It was a big hit with all the kids and grandkids and great grandkids. Gabe had the most fun he's ever had in one place. He was way too busy to stop and look at the camera. He ran around all night and cried when we left. He loved it.

Putting money in the games would have been a total waste. He had plenty of fun just turning knobs and wheels and pushing buttons, buttons, and more buttons. He was in heaven.

Sweet little Hannah was her angel babydoll self.

She enjoyed playing with and eating her little babydoll from her great grandparents, Grandma and Grandpa Stromberg.

As soon as we got home it was off to bed with Gabe and bath time and bed time for Hannah.

Here are some videos from the night. The first one is Gabe's first trip down the slide. He went down about 4 or 5 more times and then on to other bouncy blow up things.



Hannah in her jumperoo

She decided to take part of her morning nap in her jumper today.

I was eating some yummy cookies with Gabe and when they were all gone I went to the kitchen to get him some milk. When I came back he had given the plate to Hannah to chew on. How nice of him to share. She was happy with the gesture.
