
Christmas Eve

My absolutely gorgeous baby girl's first Christmas Eve.

In both of these pictures Hannah reminds me slightly of baby Lindsey. I think it's the giant eyes, but I'm not sure what it is exacty. Do you agree?

Here's cutie pie Gabe right after his bath in his new Christmas p.j.'s.

Gabe, who is coming tonight? He says, "Daddy?" True, Daddy was at work at the time and would be coming home eventually, but no, not who I was asking about.

So for a Christmas traditional treat, Jasen bought one of those tins of popcorn. The one he bought has a picture of Santa on it. So whenever Jasen or anyone asks, "Gabe, where's Santa?" Gabe will point to the popcorn tin and yell Santa! (as he is shown doing so below). Well, in reality this didn't really teach Gabe who Santa is or what Santa looks like. Instead, Gabe now believes that Santa is synonymous with popcorn, and if you mention Santa, Gabe yells Santa, points to the tin, and says Santa over and over until he gets some popcorn.

I made a valiant attempt to get a good picture of the two of them together. I think it's just asking too much of babes at their ages. Here's what I got:

At least they're both looking up...

Gabe hugging Hannah:

Gabe pushing Hannah off of him:

Gabe smiling when I say, "Do you want a cookie?"

Gabe very tired and ready for bed:

A short video:

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