

So mischievous little Hannah decided to give herself "lips" today with a purple Sharpie.  This was the result...

And because this is a really short post, just for fun, here's a little picture puzzle...

Did you get it?


Ashley Ann said...

I think the last part of it is "baby" but i can't figure out the other part of the puzzle. "swiss half ink ant author baby?" i feel like I am playing mad gab... she's having another baby? haha am i way off?

Rach said...

You're having another BABY???!!!???

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Congrats!!! You guys make cute kids so you should have lots more!!

Rik said...

Yay congratulations!

Aubrey Smith said...


Krista Nicole said...

Congrats Beth! That is awesome! Loved the picture puzzle!

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

AHHHHH! YAY! That's the best news ever! CONGRATULATIONS!

Aubrey Smith said...
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Aubrey Smith said...

So when are you due and how are you feeling?