
My happy kids...

There truly is nothing I love more than freshly bathed happy babies in new jammies.  They are the cutest.  It's a pretty easy job being a mom when I'm dealing with these two happy faces.

They're saying, "Woo-hoo, new jammies!"

In this one and the following picture it looks like Gabe is trying to perform a magic trick somehow involving Hannah.  I can't remember what I said to make them pose this way, but anyhow they make me laugh.


I love this.  From time to time Gabe will look at Hannah and say, "Hannah, I love you."  And Hannah will respond, "I love you too Gabe."  I'd give anything to insure that they never grow out of that.

They melt my heart.

Silly faces!


old said...

Those pictures of them hugging each other are THE cutest things ever. Frame them. They make my eyes teary.

Aubrey Smith said...

Cute, cute kids!

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

they are so stinkin cute! It's weird how they look so big in pictures but are still babies in person, well almost:)

Greg, Linds, and Avery said...

SO CUTE! Love the one of them hugging each other! That's a Christmas card for sure! You're kids are so adorable.