
Baby faces

It's so fun watching Aiden grow and change.  As he's getting older I still see similarities between he and Gabe, but also some big differences.

 It's funny to me that until recently I didn't think my nefew, Cameron, looked like Gabe.  I was going through some pictures of baby Gabe to see if he looked like Aiden, and I discovered that in some ways he looks more like Cam than his own brother.

And here's just a little video of Aiden.

1 comment:

Ryan and Betsy Stromberg said...

OH my goodness!! Aiden is such a doll and i love that video! HAHA it is so funny that you put that Cam looks like Gabe cause Ry and i think he does all the time! And we both said we're happy about it cause Gabe is such a cute kid:) We miss you guys! Christmas is too far away!